La UOC en viu, your soundtrack for the summer!


The sweet scent of summer is in the air, and in just a few short days most UOC staffers will be off enjoying their very well-deserved holidays. Yippee!

Before you close up shop, check out the Spotify playlist featuring all the songs recommended by participants in our live summer event, A l’estiu, la UOC en viu!

Download it and hit play, wherever the summer takes you!

Lluís Rius (Communications)
Song: Sotto le stelle del jazz (Paolo Conte)

Ainhoa Rodríguez (Accounting and Finance)
Song: Hay que venir al sur (Raffaella Carrá)

Nadja Gmelch (Globalization and Cooperation)
Song: Ouvrez les frontières (Tiken Jah Fakoly)

Mildred Guinart (eLearn Center)
Song: Se iluminaba (Fred de Palma & Ana Mena)

Anna Buil (Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences)
Song: Killing in the Name (Rage Against the Machine)

Sabela García (UOC Alumni)
Song: Summer (Antonio Vivaldi) & Sentir (Luz Casal)

Yolanda Franco (Communications)
Song: Les estrelles (Manel)

Bàrbara Berini (Office of the Deputy General Manager for Teaching)
Song: Modern Love (David Bowie)

Daniel Riera (Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications)
Song: Centuries (Fall Out Boy)

Oriol Solé (Library and Learning Resources)
Song: Cul (Oques grasses)

Eva Rimbau (Faculty of Economics and Business)
Song: Bang! Bang! (Joe Cuba)

Adolfo Revuelta (UOC Alumni)
Song: Everything’s Gonna Be Alright (Bob Marley)

Jana Ribas (daughter of Elisenda Soriguera, Communications)
Song: La tortuga ballaruga (La Guardiola Groga) / Un drac ferotge (Jordi Tonietti)

Eva Moreno (Accounting and Finance)
Song: Echo de menos (Kiko Veneno)

Happy summer!

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